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historical legacy中文是什么意思

用"historical legacy"造句"historical legacy"怎么读"historical legacy" in a sentence


  • 历史遗产


  • China and russia have solved a historical legacy on the boundary issue , laying a solid foundation for greater development of bilateral ties in the future
  • Today , revitalization is underway to restore the neighbourhood ' s historical legacy with renovations of the lyric and other buildings
  • It has proposed unique understanding in terms of research method , promotion of good way of learning and dialectic knowledge of historical legacy
  • Martial arts , one of the four chinese historical legacies , will quite probably be established as a new competition event in the 2008 olympic games along with china ' s success catering for hosting the games
    武术是中华民族的四大国粹之一。 2001年7月13日北京申奥成功,武术将很有可能在2008年奥运会上成为比赛项目。
  • This article put forward and studied the three historical regrets in this aspect using comparision , reflection and some representative examples , it emphasized the importance of current urban historical legacies protection
  • The hakka treasure their own historical legacy and there are many fascinating historic landmarks , amongst them the famous matsu temple and changli shrine in neipu , the hsiao residence in chiatung the current restoration is due to be finished in early 2003 , and the liu family ancestral hall in wukoushui
  • This article studies the sort structure , archives actuality , mar factors about the historical archives carved in stone for minorities in southwestern china , and bring forward some effective measures for protection and salvage , so as to protect this rare historical legacy for minorities more better
用"historical legacy"造句  


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